Disney’s Dare to Dream JR. is a musical revue that follows an eager group of trainees on their first day at a fictional Walt Disney Imagineering Studio. As the group sets out to help each other discover their dreams, they work together to explore the power of dreams to unite, inspire, and make anything possible. Drawing from a century of beloved Disney films, Dare to Dream JR. features songs appearing for the first time ever in a Disney stage musical, including fan-favorites from The Princess and the Frog, Coco, Encanto, and Frozen II. This musical revue is a thrilling mix of contemporary songs, timeless classics, and brand-new medleys that are sure to surprise and delight Disney lovers of all ages.
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Join us for a magical journey to Arendelle in our Petites production of Disney’s Frozen! Designed for beginning performers ages 4–7, this program introduces young stars to the joy of musical theater in a fun and supportive environment.
Throughout the season, students will build confidence, learn songs and choreography, and develop their storytelling skills. The program culminates in a delightful mini musical performed in class for friends and family. Plus, there’s the exciting opportunity of performing one number from the show on the big stage at our studio's final showcase of the season!
Let it go and let your little one shine with us in this enchanting production!
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